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Cal Cabanyes és la conjunció d’un taller de fusteria, un petit celler elaborador de vi, i un estudi de disseny i edició de llibres. Aquestes tres labors beuen de la mateixa font: l’artesania. 

L’artesania entesa com aquell impuls humà que albira aconseguir un treball ben fet. L’artesania entesa com aquella concepció del treball que trenca la dicotomia entre “feina” i “vida”.

I think that what I would like to do before it is too late is to get this across to a few craftsmen-to-be who will work after me, and also to a public which will be there to receive them, because we are living in a time when, I believe, this is important. Fine things in wood are important, not only aesthetically, as oddities or rarities, but because we are becoming aware of the fact that much of our life is spent buying and discarding, and buying again, things that are not good. Some of us long to have at least something, somewhere, which will give us harmony and a sense of durability – I won’t say permanence, but durability– things that, through the years, become more and more beautiful, things we can leave our children.

James Krenov, A Cabinetmaker’s Notebook

Imagine that you have before you a flagon of wine. You may choose your own favourite vintage for this imaginary demonstration, so that it be a deep shimmering crimson in colour. You have two goblets before you. One is of solid gold, wrought in the most exquisite patterns. The other is of crystal-clear glass, thin as a bubble, and as transparent. Pour and drink; and according to your choice of goblet, I shall know whether or not you are a connoisseur of wine. For if you have no feelings about wine one way or the other, you will want the sensation of drinking the stuff out of a vessel that may have cost thousands of pounds; but if you are a member of that vanishing tribe, the amateurs of fine vintages, you will choose the crystal, because everything about it is calculated to reveal rather than hide the beautiful thing which it was meant to contain.

Beatrice Warde, The Crystal Goblet, or Printing Should Be Invisible


La imaginació és limitada, n’hi ha molt poca. Per això és tan valuosa, perquè n’hi ha poca. La mica que raja l’hem de cuidar bé, que no es malmeti. L’atribució a certs creadors d’una imaginació desbordant és falsa. Quan raja la imaginació sempre ho fa a rajolins que demanen ser acollits, conreats i protegits. Per això m’agrada més fer servir el verb criar que no pas el verb crear. (…) Només la criança permet de guanyar frondositat amb els anys.

Perejaume, “Viver


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